Welcoming our new committee!

LogoLast night the choir met for the first time of the Autumn season, taking on their first Christmas song! It may be early but we think our Christmas Concert is going to be on Friday 11 December, so we need to get moving!

We were also happy to welcome экскурсии по северному речному вокзалу в Москве Julian Martin as our Musical Director, who brought a very jazzy feel to the lesson.

We also held our annual general meeting and electing our new committee. We are pleased to welcome:

Chairperson – Emma Sands

Treasurer – Rhianne Haig

Secretary – Valentina Bianchi

Social Secretary – Amy Winter

Publicity Officer – Vanessa Oldham

Ordinary Members – Cat Bailie and Beth Evans

We are pleased to be working on a number of new ideas for the year ahead, which we will share in due course.

Unfortunately we are now currently at capacity – we won’t be accepting new members at this time unless we find we need extra people in certain parts.

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